Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our apologies as we update content on our missions page.

Monthly Missionary Focus
Earl & Tammie Shorrocks
Earl and Tammie are currently itinerating in the U.S. but they hope to return shortly to their mission field in Poland. For the last four years, they have seen countless lives transformed by the power of the gospel.
Jordan & Vanessa Abina
These newly appointed missionaries are new to our Encounter family but we love them already. They will be heading to a national church in France to pastor. Their heart is to see the presence of God touch lives.
Join the mission
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is the missionary support arm of Encounter City Church. Bottom line? We need you to give, over and above your regular giving because you love being a part of reaching the world. We invite everyone to be a part of the life transformation that's taking place in people's lives globally through our missionaries, locally through outreach, and here at ECC. Every dollar you give over and above your regular giving goes to building future leaders here at home, local outreach and global missions. We want to change the world, one life at a time.